Getting to know Frosted Bakery

Did you know that Frosted Bakery is an integral part of the 501c3 nonprofit, Lighthouse Charities, located in North Las Vegas, Nevada?  Lighthouse is dedicated to serving refugees from across the globe who find themselves resettling in our community, just like our head baker, Liudmyla.

Lulu has been baking with us for nearly two years now!  She fled Ukraine with her two daughters within hours of the war breaking out, said good bye to her husband at the border, and made her way to Las Vegas where she and her family have been reunited and are rebuilding their lives.  She is an amazing baker, bringing her talents and experience to Frosted Bakery.

Lighthouse Charities serves hundreds of individuals like Lulu who have been forced to flee their homelands and countries.  But without proper support, refugee families can find themselves simply exchanging one set of familiar challenges for another set, completely foreign and nearly impossible to navigate alone.  By empowering our clients with access to employment training programs and English language classes, Lighthouse Charities seeks to bring a future to those who have had their lives irrevocably changed forever.


“It is so good for us to learn this!”


What’s So Special About ESL Classes at Lighthouse Charities?